Healthcare Services
- Outpatient surgical emergency
- Outpatient medical emergency
- Outpatient pediatric treatment
- Children
- Adult
- Food handlers
- Travellers
- Umrah & Hajj Pilgrimage
- Routine antenatal monthly check up
- Routine monitoring fetus growth
- Detail 3D/4D scanning for fetal anomaly
- Glucose Tolerance Test
- Laboratory test
- Obstetric
- Gynaecology
- Breast
- Thyroid
- Prostate
- Stones
- Routine Health screening
- Health screening for diseases
- Health screening for those having any risk factors
- Male circumcision – Children & Adult
- Female circumcision – Children
- Services extended to plants / factories
- Medical procedures
- Rental of equipments
- Provided varieties of blood test to accommodate individual need
- Supporting trauma cases
- Diagnosis purposes of treatment
- Health screening
- Employees medical check-up or foreign workers
- Providing wound care services for any types of wound
- Faster to heal wound (wound healing technique)
- Support with nutrition
- Combination of modalities of treatment
- Alternative care wound
- Promotion of wound healing technique
- For children and adult
- For medical check-up or occupational requirement
- Assisting in medical diagnosis
- Hearing conserrative programme
- Resting ECG
- Spirometry
- Say no to obesity
- Aging Healthy
- Combating imbalance problem
- Supplements
- Infertility support & treatment
- Pain care
- Intra articular joint infection
- Harmonal theraphy with nutritional & supplement
- Acne theraphy with nutritional & supplement
Additional Service
- Health campaign programme
- Workplace – Health talk at workplace
- Extending services at different location